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mlg dota2

发布时间:2023-05-21 23:03:54源自:http://www.haoyouyinxiang.com作者:好友印象大全阅读(128)

MLG Dota2: The Ultimate Guide to Dominating the Game


Dota2 is one of the most popular online multiplayer games in the world. It is a game that requires strategy, skill, and teamwork to win. MLG Dota2 is a tournament that brings together the best Dota2 players from around the world to compete for a prize pool of millions of dollars. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to dominate the game and become an MLG Dota2 champion.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dive into the advanced strategies, it is important to understand the basics of the game. Dota2 is a 5v5 game where two teams compete to destroy the enemy's Ancient, a structure located in the enemy's base. Each player controls a hero, and the objective is to level up, gain gold, and purchase items that will make your hero more powerful. The game is won by destroying the enemy's Ancient or by forcing them to surrender.

Choosing Your Hero

Choosing the right hero is crucial to winning the game. Each hero has unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. It is important to choose a hero that complements your team's strategy and can counter the enemy's heroes. There are three main roles in Dota2: carry, support, and offlaner. The carry is responsible for dealing damage and carrying the team to victory. The support is responsible for providing vision, healing, and disabling the enemy. The offlaner is responsible for disrupting the enemy's farm and getting kills.

Early Game

The early game is the most crucial part of the game. It is where you establish your dominance and gain an advantage over the enemy. The first thing you should do is to secure the runes. Runes spawn every two minutes and provide various bonuses such as regeneration, haste, and invisibility. It is important to have vision around the rune spawn areas to prevent the enemy from getting the runes.

During the laning phase, it is important to last hit creeps to gain gold and experience. Denying creeps is also important as it denies the enemy from gaining gold and experience. It is important to communicate with your team and coordinate ganks to get kills and gain an advantage.

Mid Game

The mid game is where you start to push towers and gain map control. It is important to have vision around the map to prevent the enemy from ganking you. You should also prioritize objectives such as Roshan, towers, and barracks. Roshan is a neutral monster that gives the team that kills it an Aegis, an item that revives the hero upon death. Towers provide gold and map control, while barracks provide super creeps that can push the lanes.

Late Game

The late game is where the game is won or lost. It is important to have buyback gold and to save it for crucial moments. It is also important to have a plan for team fights and to communicate with your team. The team that wins team fights usually wins the game. It is important to have vision around the map and to control Roshan.


In conclusion, MLG Dota2 is a game that requires strategy, skill, and teamwork to win. Choosing the right hero, understanding the basics, and executing the right strategies are crucial to winning the game. The early game is where you establish your dominance, the mid game is where you gain map control, and the late game is where the game is won or lost. By following these tips, you too can become an MLG Dota2 champion.

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