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发布时间:2023-04-12 16:32:26源自:http://www.haoyouyinxiang.com作者:好友印象大全阅读(73)


Shakespeare's Hamlet has been a classic for centuries, and its themes and characters continue to resonate with audiences today. As a reader of the play, I was struck by the complex relationships between the characters and the overarching themes of revenge, madness, and mortality. In this essay, I will explore these themes and analyze how they are portrayed through the interactions between the characters.


The theme of revenge is central to the plot of Hamlet. The play begins with the ghost of Hamlet's father appearing to him and demanding that he avenge his murder. This sets in motion a chain of events that ultimately leads to the deaths of several characters. Hamlet's quest for revenge is complicated by his own indecision and the moral implications of taking another person's life.

The character of Hamlet embodies the struggle between the desire for revenge and the fear of the consequences. He vacillates between taking action and delaying, and his mental state deteriorates as he becomes consumed by thoughts of revenge. Ultimately, his quest for vengeance leads to his own death, as well as the deaths of many others.


Another prominent theme in Hamlet is madness. The play explores the idea of what constitutes madness and how it is perceived by others. Hamlet's behavior is often interpreted as madness, but it is unclear whether he is truly insane or simply putting on an act.

The character of Ophelia also experiences a descent into madness after the death of her father and her rejection by Hamlet. Her madness is portrayed as a symptom of her grief and the overwhelming emotions she is experiencing.


The theme of mortality is present throughout Hamlet, as the characters grapple with the inevitability of death. The play opens with the ghost of Hamlet's father, a reminder of the transience of life. The characters also contemplate the nature of death and what comes after, with Hamlet's famous soliloquy on the subject being one of the most iconic speeches in all of literature.

The characters in Hamlet are also confronted with death in a more literal sense, as several of them meet their demise over the course of the play. The deaths of Polonius, Ophelia, and Laertes all serve to underscore the fragility of life and the inevitability of death.


In conclusion, Hamlet is a complex and multi-layered play that explores themes of revenge, madness, and mortality. The characters are intricately woven together, with their relationships and interactions driving the plot forward. Hamlet's struggle with revenge and madness, as well as the characters' contemplation of mortality, make for a thought-provoking and timeless work of literature.


1. 阅读哈姆雷特英语原版剧本;

2. 分析主题和人物关系;

3. 撰写文章,包含开头、结尾、小标题;

4. 适当引用原文,加深文章分析;

5. 修订文章,确保逻辑清晰,语言通顺。


1. Revenge: The Struggle Between Action and Consequence

2. Madness: The Thin Line Between Sanity and Insanity

3. Mortality: The Inevitability of Death

Revenge: The Struggle Between Action and Consequence

The theme of revenge is one of the most prominent in Hamlet. The play opens with the ghost of Hamlet's father appearing to him and demanding that he avenge his murder. This sets in motion a chain of events that ultimately leads to the deaths of several characters. Hamlet's quest for revenge is complicated by his own indecision and the moral implications of taking another person's life.

Throughout the play, Hamlet vacillates between taking action and delaying. He is consumed by thoughts of revenge, but he is also aware of the consequences of his actions. In Act III, Scene 3, he has the opportunity to kill Claudius while he is praying, but he hesitates because he believes that killing him in a state of repentance would send him to heaven. This moment highlights the moral dilemma that Hamlet is facing. He wants revenge, but he also wants to ensure that it is just.

The character of Hamlet embodies the struggle between the desire for revenge and the fear of the consequences. He is torn between his duty to his father and his own moral compass. His mental state deteriorates as he becomes consumed by thoughts of revenge. He becomes increasingly erratic and unpredictable, which ultimately leads to his downfall.

Madness: The Thin Line Between Sanity and Insanity

The theme of madness is another prominent one in Hamlet. The play explores the idea of what constitutes madness and how it is perceived by others. Hamlet's behavior is often interpreted as madness, but it is unclear whether he is truly insane or simply putting on an act.

In Act II, Scene 2, Hamlet tells his friends that he is going to pretend to be mad in order to confuse his enemies. He says, "I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw." This line highlights the ambiguity of Hamlet's mental state. He is aware of his own behavior and is able to manipulate it to his advantage.

The character of Ophelia also experiences a descent into madness after the death of her father and her rejection by Hamlet. Her madness is portrayed as a symptom of her grief and the overwhelming emotions she is experiencing. In Act IV, Scene 5, she sings a song about a dead lover, which highlights the depth of her despair.

Mortality: The Inevitability of Death

The theme of mortality is present throughout Hamlet, as the characters grapple with the inevitability of death. The play opens with the ghost of Hamlet's father, a reminder of the transience of life. The characters also contemplate the nature of death and what comes after, with Hamlet's famous soliloquy on the subject being one of the most iconic speeches in all of literature.

The characters in Hamlet are also confronted with death in a more literal sense, as several of them meet their demise over the course of the play. The deaths of Polonius, Ophelia, and Laertes all serve to underscore the fragility of life and the inevitability of death.


In conclusion, Hamlet is a complex and multi-layered play that explores themes of revenge, madness, and mortality. The characters are intricately woven together, with their relationships and interactions driving the plot forward. Hamlet's struggle with revenge and madness, as well as the characters' contemplation of mortality, make for a thought-provoking and timeless work of literature. As I read the play, I was struck by the depth of Shakespeare's writing and the enduring relevance of the themes he explores.

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