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发布时间:2023-04-12 16:19:27源自:http://www.haoyouyinxiang.com作者:好友印象大全阅读(60)

Les Misérables, also known as "Misery," is a novel written by Victor Hugo, a French novelist, poet, and playwright. The story takes place in France in the early 19th century and tells the story of the life of a man named Jean Valjean, a former convict who becomes a respected member of society. The novel is a reflection of the human condition and the struggle between good and evil, justice and injustice, and love and hate.

The Light of Human Nature

The novel portrays the light of human nature through the character of Jean Valjean. Despite his past as a convict, he is a man of great compassion and kindness. He takes in Cosette, an orphaned girl, and raises her as his own daughter. He also helps those in need, such as Fantine, a single mother who is forced into prostitution to support her daughter. Jean Valjean's actions show that even the most hardened criminal can be redeemed and become a force for good in the world.

The Darkness of Human Nature

The novel also portrays the darkness of human nature through the character of Javert, a police inspector who is obsessed with capturing Jean Valjean. Javert believes that the law is absolute and unchanging, and that anyone who breaks it must be punished. He is unable to see the humanity in Jean Valjean and is consumed by his desire for justice. Javert's actions show the danger of blindly following the law without considering the human consequences.

The Importance of Love and Compassion

The novel emphasizes the importance of love and compassion in overcoming the darkness of human nature. The love between Jean Valjean and Cosette is a powerful force that drives Jean Valjean to become a better person. The compassion shown by characters such as the Bishop of Digne and the students at the barricade also demonstrate the transformative power of love and compassion. The novel suggests that it is only through love and compassion that we can overcome the darkness within ourselves and in the world around us.


In conclusion, Les Misérables is a powerful novel that explores the human condition and the struggle between good and evil. The novel portrays both the light and darkness of human nature, and emphasizes the importance of love and compassion in overcoming the darkness. The characters of Jean Valjean and Javert are powerful symbols of the human struggle, and their stories continue to resonate with readers today. Les Misérables is a timeless masterpiece that reminds us of the complexity and beauty of the human experience.

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