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发布时间:2023-04-11 23:36:57源自:http://www.haoyouyinxiang.com作者:好友印象大全阅读(87)

As a classic Chinese novel, "A Ordinary World" has been widely read and loved by many people. The novel portrays the life of the common people in rural areas in the 1970s, revealing the glory and darkness of human nature. After reading the book, I was deeply moved and had a lot of thoughts.

The Glory of Human Nature

The novel depicts the hardworking and kind-hearted people in the countryside. They are diligent and resilient, and never give up in the face of difficulties. The protagonist, Fang Hongjian, is a typical representative of this group of people. He is honest, kind and brave, and always puts the interests of the collective first. He is willing to help others and never expects anything in return. His spirit of selflessness and dedication is admirable and inspiring.

The Darkness of Human Nature

However, the novel also exposes the dark side of human nature. The characters in the book are not perfect. Some are selfish, greedy, and cruel. They are willing to betray their friends and family for their own interests. For example, Jiazhen, the mother of the protagonist, is a typical representative of this group of people. She is narrow-minded, selfish, and only cares about her own interests. She is willing to sacrifice her son's happiness for her own benefit. Her behavior is despicable and disgusting.

The Reflection of Society

The novel not only reflects the human nature, but also reflects the social reality of the time. The novel portrays the poverty and backwardness of the rural areas, and the hardships and struggles of the people in the countryside. It also reveals the unfairness and injustice of the society, and the corruption and degeneration of some officials. The novel is a reflection of the social reality of the time, and also a criticism of the social reality.

The Significance of the Novel

The novel has a profound significance. It not only reflects the social reality of the time, but also reflects the universal value of human nature. It reveals the glory and darkness of human nature, and inspires people to pursue the good and resist the evil. It also calls on people to care for the disadvantaged groups, to promote social justice and equality, and to build a harmonious society.


In conclusion, "A Ordinary World" is a classic Chinese novel that reveals the glory and darkness of human nature, and reflects the social reality of the time. It is a reflection of the universal value of human nature, and has a profound significance. After reading the book, I have a deeper understanding of human nature and society, and also have a clearer understanding of my own life. I believe that the novel will continue to inspire and guide people to pursue the good and resist the evil, and to build a better society.

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