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雾都孤儿段落 读后感400字(英伦贵族的虚伪面孔)

发布时间:2023-04-11 23:03:04源自:http://www.haoyouyinxiang.com作者:好友印象大全阅读(120)

"Oliver Twist" is a classic novel written by Charles Dickens. The novel is set in London, during the 19th century, and tells the story of a young orphan, Oliver Twist. The novel explores the harsh realities of life in Victorian England, including poverty, crime, and social injustice. One of the most memorable scenes in the novel is the "Foggy London" scene, also known as the "Foggy London" chapter. In this scene, Dickens vividly describes the foggy and eerie atmosphere of London, which serves as a metaphor for the darkness and corruption of society.

The Hypocrisy of the English Aristocracy

One of the central themes of "Oliver Twist" is the hypocrisy of the English aristocracy. Throughout the novel, Dickens criticizes the wealthy and powerful for their indifference to the suffering of the poor. The aristocracy is portrayed as a group of selfish, greedy, and heartless individuals who are more concerned with maintaining their social status than with helping those in need.

In the "Foggy London" scene, Dickens highlights the hypocrisy of the English aristocracy by contrasting their luxurious lifestyle with the poverty and misery of the poor. The scene takes place in a wealthy neighborhood, where the streets are lined with elegant mansions and the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers. However, the beauty of the neighborhood is marred by the thick fog that envelops the streets, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead.

As Oliver wanders through the fog, he encounters a group of wealthy gentlemen who are returning from a night of drinking and revelry. The men are dressed in fine clothes and carry expensive umbrellas, which they use to shield themselves from the rain. However, when they see Oliver, they are repulsed by his dirty appearance and assume that he is a thief. They chase him through the fog, beating him mercilessly and leaving him for dead.

This scene is a powerful indictment of the hypocrisy of the English aristocracy. The wealthy gentlemen are portrayed as heartless and cruel, willing to use their power and influence to oppress the poor. They are more concerned with their own comfort and pleasure than with the well-being of others.

The Importance of Social Justice

Another important theme in "Oliver Twist" is the importance of social justice. Throughout the novel, Dickens argues that society has a responsibility to care for the poor and vulnerable. He criticizes the English government for its failure to address the problems of poverty and crime, and calls for a more compassionate and just society.

In the "Foggy London" scene, Dickens highlights the urgency of this message by showing the consequences of social injustice. The fog represents the darkness and corruption of society, which threatens to engulf the innocent and vulnerable. Oliver, who is just a child, is left to fend for himself in a world that is hostile and dangerous.

However, despite the bleakness of the scene, there is also a sense of hope. Oliver's resilience and determination in the face of adversity serve as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always the possibility of redemption and change.


In conclusion, the "Foggy London" scene in "Oliver Twist" is a powerful and haunting portrayal of the darkness and corruption of Victorian society. Through vivid descriptions of the foggy and eerie atmosphere of London, Dickens exposes the hypocrisy of the English aristocracy and highlights the urgency of social justice. The scene serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion, empathy, and justice, and the need for society to care for the most vulnerable among us.

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