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发布时间:2023-04-11 22:46:14源自:http://www.haoyouyinxiang.com作者:好友印象大全阅读(74)

As a student, I have always been interested in exploring different education systems. Recently, I came across a book called "Crazy School" which talks about an alternative education system that focuses on creativity, critical thinking, and experiential learning. After reading the book, I was intrigued and decided to try out some of the techniques mentioned in the book.

Step 1: Creating a Creative Environment

The first step in implementing the techniques mentioned in "Crazy School" is to create a creative environment. This involves setting up the classroom in a way that encourages creativity and exploration. I started by rearranging the desks to create a more open space. I also added some plants and artwork to make the classroom more visually appealing.

Step 2: Encouraging Critical Thinking

The second step is to encourage critical thinking. This involves asking open-ended questions and encouraging students to think outside the box. I started by asking my students questions like "What would happen if we lived in a world without gravity?" or "How would you solve the problem of world hunger?" These questions sparked some interesting discussions and encouraged my students to think creatively.

Step 3: Experiential Learning

The third step is to incorporate experiential learning into the curriculum. This involves giving students hands-on experiences that allow them to apply what they have learned in real-world situations. I started by taking my students on a field trip to a local museum. Instead of just walking around and looking at exhibits, I encouraged my students to interact with the exhibits and ask questions. This helped them to better understand the concepts they had learned in class.


After implementing the techniques mentioned in "Crazy School", I noticed a significant improvement in my students' engagement and performance. They were more enthusiastic about learning and were able to apply what they had learned in creative ways. Overall, I highly recommend "Crazy School" to anyone interested in exploring alternative education systems. It may seem unconventional at first, but the results speak for themselves.

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