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发布时间:2023-04-11 22:34:30源自:http://www.haoyouyinxiang.com作者:好友印象大全阅读(61)

As a fable that has been passed down through generations in Chinese culture, "Jingwei Filling the Sea" is a story that teaches us about perseverance, determination, and the importance of never giving up. It is a tale that has been retold countless times, and its message remains as relevant today as it was when it was first told.

The Story of Jingwei Filling the Sea

The story of Jingwei Filling the Sea begins with a young bird named Jingwei. One day, while flying over the sea, Jingwei's wings became wet and heavy, causing her to fall into the water and drown. Her spirit was then reborn as a bird that was determined to fill the sea with stones and pebbles so that other birds would not suffer the same fate.

Despite the immense task before her, Jingwei never gave up. She tirelessly gathered stones and pebbles, dropping them into the sea day after day. Even when other birds mocked her and told her that her efforts were futile, Jingwei remained steadfast in her mission.

Over time, Jingwei's determination paid off. The sea slowly began to fill with the stones and pebbles she had dropped, and the other birds began to see the value in her work. Eventually, the sea was filled, and Jingwei had accomplished her goal.

The Lessons of Jingwei Filling the Sea

The story of Jingwei Filling the Sea teaches us several important lessons. First, it reminds us of the power of perseverance. No matter how difficult a task may seem, if we remain dedicated and focused, we can achieve great things.

Second, the story shows us the importance of determination. Jingwei never gave up, even when others doubted her abilities. Her determination allowed her to overcome obstacles and achieve her goal.

Finally, the story illustrates the value of hard work. Jingwei's tireless efforts were what ultimately led to her success. By working hard and putting in the effort, we too can achieve our goals and make a difference in the world.


In conclusion, the story of Jingwei Filling the Sea is a timeless fable that teaches us about the power of perseverance, determination, and hard work. Its message is as relevant today as it was when it was first told, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of never giving up on our dreams. Whether we are facing a difficult task or simply trying to make a difference in the world, we can all learn from the example set by Jingwei and her unwavering commitment to her mission.

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